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Our community has had their say and chosen the location for a new pump track in Buderim.

In October 2023, Sunshine Coast Council invited the community to share their thoughts on the best location for a track and received 393 responses online and via email.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 7 Councillor Ted Hungerford thanked those who had shared their thoughts and showed their support for this project.

“This was a great opportunity for our community to help shape our local recreation areas,” Cr Hungerford said.

“You told us Forestwood Drive Park was your preferred location for the proposed new facility.

“I appreciate all those who took the time to provide feedback and to let us know you want more locations like this for youth to meet and participate in healthy activities.”

What makes a track a pump track?

It is a track where you generate momentum on your bike by up and down body movements, instead of pedalling or pushing.

Feedback showed 74 per cent of respondents supported one in Buderim, and the majority (50 per cent of respondents) chose Forestwood Drive Park as their preferred location.

It also showed 34 per cent preferred Cumberland Way Park for the location and 16 per cent preferred an alternative location.

Next steps for the Buderim pump track

“Now that we have significant support for a pump track, we will now review the ideas and feedback received during the engagement and start planning for the track in Forestwood Drive Park,” Cr Hungerford said.

“This is another example of how we are connecting and engaging with our communities to build a better future for everyone.” 


In developing Council's Recreation Parks Plan 2021, the Buderim community indicated they would like to see more informal sport opportunities for teenagers and young adults in the area.

After reviewing the feedback and assessing the existing informal sport opportunities in the area, Council identified Buderim as an ideal location for a pump track.