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Andrew Maccoll is a Creative Director and Cinematographer, having worked with some of the world's biggest brands and celebrities. Career highlights include working with iconic brands such as Apple, IBM, Dior, and NBC. Founder of Saturate, a distributed design team of highly skilled creatives based on the Sunshine Coast.

An expert in brand strategy and culture changing creativity, his skill set includes directing photography and film. Andrew earned a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts & Photography, majoring in Multimedia, before going on to study directing at the AFTRS.

Andrew spent much of his childhood immersed in darkrooms and edit suites. His father, an honoured Press Photographer, and his mother, a Documentary Producer, undoubtedly influenced his love for the visual arts. Andrew worked for News Ltd and its stable of news and magazines for over a decade. He has since worked with major celebrities and Australian brands in both fashion and advertising, working with Bill Clinton, Robert De Niro, Matt Damon, P!NK, and many others.

Three of Andrew’s photographic portraits have earnt a place in the Australian National Portrait Gallery. He has also been honoured as one of the top ten photographers in his field by the prestigious Hasselblad Masters and has been recognized as one of Australia's top ten photographers in both fashion and advertising by Capture Magazine.