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Local Government elections are held every 4 years and are conducted by the Electoral Commission Queensland (ECQ).

The most recent elections were held on 16 March 2024. The offices of mayor and 10 councillors were contested for the Sunshine Coast local government area. 

Election results

Mayor Rosanna Natoli Notice of Election Results
Division 1 Jenny BroderickNotice of Election Results
Division 2 Terry Landsberg Notice of Election Results
Division 3Tim Burns Notice of Election Results
Division 4Joe Natoli Notice of Election Results
Division 5Winston Johnston Notice of Election Results
Division 6Christian Dickson Notice of Election Results
Division 7Ted Hungerford Notice of Election Results
Division 8Taylor BunnagNotice of Election Results
Division 9Maria Suarez Notice of Election Results
Division 10 David LawNotice of Election Results

Enquiries about council elections and election results should be directed to ECQ via their website or by phoning 1300 881 665.