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Has the community had input into the CTCU route?

Yes, community engagement has occurred over the past nine years. The alignment of the corridor has been determined following a lengthy and detailed assessment of planning, environmental, social and engineering considerations as well as numerous transport studies and community engagement processes since early 2000s. The alignment of the corridor is final.

What community engagement has taken place?

Council has undertaken extensive community engagement dating back to the early 2000s to help shape the infrastructure required for Caloundra, including providing an upgrade and connection from Omrah Avenue to Nicklin Way (the CTCU).

Most recently, from August to November 2021, our community had the opportunity to view the CTCU concept design, speak with the project team, attend community displays, contact the project team, and provide any additional information, such as access requirements, that may be useful prior to and during upcoming phases of the project including construction.

The CTCU has been subject to numerous transport studies and community engagement processes including:

  • In 2013 Sunshine Coast Council (Council) in consultation with Transport and Main Roads completed the Caloundra Area Transport Study. The study included community engagement on potential transport options, including upgrading Oval Avenue and Third Avenue.
  • In 2016, Council’s draft Caloundra Centre Master Plan included the Oval Avenue and Third Avenue transport upgrade, as well as other Caloundra projects. Council staff met with key stakeholders to provide notification of the draft master plan consultation and submission process.
  • In 2018 Council engaged specialist consultants to undertake a detailed analysis of which traffic route upgrade would be the most beneficial to Caloundra. Consideration was given to environmental, economic and social opportunities and challenges and the Oval Avenue and Third Avenue alignment was determined to be the best route.
  • In 2018 Council consulted the community and engaged with key stakeholders on the Sunshine Coast Council Local Government Infrastructure Plan, which included the upgrade of Oval Avenue and Third Avenue. A subsequent proposed planning scheme amendment to reflect the Caloundra Centre Master Plan was also subject to public consultation in 2018.
  • Between 2018 and 2020 Council continued to liaise with key stakeholders, including adjacent landowners and businesses along the CTCU corridor and in 2020 Council revised the CTCU design based on feedback from these stakeholders.
  • In 2021 Council in consultation with Transport and Main Roads released the concept design to our community.
  • In 2022 a Stakeholder Interest Group (SIG) was formed as part of the detailed design process.

How can I get involved?

As part of the detailed design process a stakeholder interest group (SIG) is operating.

The SIG has made a significant contribution to the project to date, helping to identify opportunities and concerns to inform the ongoing design process.

As outlined on TMR’s website, the role of the SIG is to enable community input into the CTCU. The SIG continues to provide opportunity for community issues to be addressed by the project team.

You can view the SIG’s Terms of Reference here:  https://hdp-au-prod-app-qldtmr-yoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/9416/5967/4843/CTCU_SIG_Terms_of_Reference_Final.pdf

The SIG has made a significant contribution to the project to date, helping to identify opportunities and concerns to inform the ongoing design process.

As outlined on TMR’s website, the role of the SIG is to enable community input into the CTCU. The SIG continues to provide opportunity for community issues to be addressed by the project team.

You can view the SIG’s Terms of Reference here:  https://hdp-au-prod-app-qldtmr-yoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/9416/5967/4843/CTCU_SIG_Terms_of_Reference_Final.pdf

How has the SIG helped inform the ultimate design?

Extensive community feedback has informed the ultimate design.

In response to concerns raised during the initial CTCU planning, TMR and Council established a Stakeholder Interest Group (SIG).

Since late 2022, the SIG has helped represent the interests of the local Caloundra community and has provided valuable feedback to help shape features of the design for the CTCU ultimate project footprint.

Key features the group has influenced include:

  • the importance of continued connectivity between Ben Bennett Bushland Park and neighbouring properties including aged care facilities on West Terrace
  • the need to reduce the impact on vegetation in Ben Bennett Bushland Park and Bicentennial Park
  • the opportunity to provide accessible, safe and efficient active transport connections for cyclists and pedestrians to cater for all ages and abilities.