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The Regional Wayfinding Signage Manual (PDF, 4.33 MB) outlines a wayfinding signage strategy for town centres and path networks within the Sunshine Coast Council region. Wayfinding signage helps people navigate between places.


This signage manual provides information on how to design and specify the complete range of sign types required for effective pedestrian and cyclist wayfinding. The manual describes the principles of the wayfinding strategy, details of the various sign types required, visual graphic standards and construction standards.

This manual supports council’s place making charter to develop places for local communities. It will assist in community understanding, access and enjoyment of these public places through the delivery of well-considered information and signage systems.

This manual does not include signage for town or precinct gateway identification, vehicular traffic control, on-road cycle networks and regional level shared pedestrian and cycle systems such as the coastal pathway or recreation trail.

Council’s wayfinding signage system includes a range of sign types developed for pedestrian and cyclist wayfinding only, which include mapping, directional and regulatory information for the following:

Key urban precincts - sign suite 1 and 2

These two suites are considered premium quality and should always be used within the key urban precincts throughout the region’s activity centres:

  • sign suite 1 – concrete and aluminium
  • sign suite 2 – timber and aluminium.

Pathways within key urban precincts - sign suite 3

This is a secondary suite that is to be used along the pathway network only. It shall provide:

  • identification and direction of pathways
  • pedestrian and cyclists distance marking
  • direction to surrounding streets
  • identify overhead bridges and roadways.

Suburban pathway network - Economy Suite

Signage outside of the key urban precincts will be of an economical grade and shall reflect the Economy Suite Signage Style Guide (PDF. 8MB).

Coastal Pathway

Signage used throughout the Coastal Pathway shall reflect the Coastal Pathway Style Guide (PDF. 9MB). Where the Coastal Pathway intersects with a key activity centre (e.g. Mooloolaba), the use of the Regional sign suite 1 and 2 shall be utilised. 


This manual is controlled by council’s transport infrastructure management branch to ensure consistent use when implementing new signage throughout the region.

Review and feedback

Due to the ongoing development and expansion of town and city centres throughout the region, this manual will be reviewed periodically to maintain accuracy and to capture changing signage needs.

Should you wish to provide any feedback, contact [email protected].