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Discover new skills and get creative at Libraries Makerspace Showcase at the Beerwah Heart Precinct, Saturday June 3, from 9am to 1pm.

No matter if you are a beginner or an expert, the showcase hosted by Sunshine Coast Libraries invites the community to learn or share creative skills in basket weaving, street art, paper flower making, leather stamping and much more.

Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said the Makerspace Showcase was an event not to be missed.

“The Makerspace Showcase is a free community event that aims to inspire your creativity and connect you with master craftspeople eager to share their skills,” Cr Law said.

“There will be something for everyone on the day. If you’re more connoisseur than creative, there are plenty of things to buy, try and taste.

“Book into a leather belt stamping workshop, basket weaving with natural elements class or street art character design workshop – all are free.”

stration is essential for the free workshops (except where drop-in is indicated). To view all the workshops available, visit the library website library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

The Makerspace Showcase will also have coffee and sweet treats available onsite to purchase.

Sunshine Coast Libraries recently launched their Makerspace workshop series at the Beerwah Heart where attendees enjoyed a hands-on experience learning art, craft, fashion and cooking skills, thanks to Stitch and Zip Embroidery, Timeless Recipes, Lino and Printing, Natural Dye and Stop Motion Animation workshops. Creations from these workshops will be on display at the showcase.

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