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Our Sunshine Coast Biosphere is a special place and this year an award-winning program will allow local students to explore it firsthand.

Funded by the Environment Levy, Kids in Action is an environmental program for school-aged children which aims to grow a culture that values caring for the natural world. 

Registrations are now open for schools to join the 2023 Kids in Action program.

Day one is the Kids in Action Environmental Projects Day, held on Friday May 5.

Day two is the Kids in Action Kids Teaching Kids Conference and will be held on Wednesday September 6.

Sunshine Coast Environment Portfolio Councillor Maria Suarez said this year’s program promised an exciting opportunity for the Coast’s youth to explore the meaning behind our Biosphere and co-create a vision for the future.

“The Sunshine Coast region has joined more than 700 regions in Australia and around the world as an internationally recognised UNESCO-listed biosphere reserve,” Cr Suarez said.

“A biosphere is a place where nature and people live, work, play and learn together in balance and harmony – where local learnings can help solve global sustainability challenges.

“At this year’s Kids in Action program our young people will explore what it means to live in a biosphere reserve, and the actions needed to protect and enhance it for future generations.”

Cr Suarez said they would then come together to share their learnings with each other, as they investigated and championed the biosphere ‘heroes’ of Country – the biospHEROES. 

“These could be people, businesses or organisations, cultural heritage, decision-making or system processes, ways of knowing, connecting and monitoring, or the many living and non-living heroes of the waters, land and air,” Cr Suarez said.

“I invite Sunshine Coast teachers and students to join us for Kids in Action in 2023 as we explore our biospHEROES and co-create a legacy for the region’s future that we can all be proud of and others can learn from.”

To learn more about Kids in Action, the biospHEROES theme, and how you can be involved, come along to the annual Information Session on Wednesday  February 15, from 3.30pm, at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Grab your ticket at events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au by searching “Kids in Action 2023 - Information Session”.

Registrations for Kids in Action are open until March 31.

To register search for “kids in action 2023” on council’s website.

Key dates:

Day 1 – Friday 5 May 2023: Kids in Action Environmental Projects Day

Day 2 – Wednesday 6 September 2023: Kids in Action Conference

Suitable age groups: Years 5 to 8.