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Sunshine Coast Council’s new Mayor and Councillors have made their Declarations of Office and commenced their 2024-2028 term.

The 2024-2028 Council is:

Mayor Rosanna Natoli

Cr Jenny Broderick (Division 1)

Cr Terry Landsberg (Division 2)

Cr Tim Burns (Division 3)

Cr Joe Natoli (Division 4)

Cr Winston Johnston (Division 5)

Cr Christian Dickson (Division 6)

Cr Ted Hungerford (Division 7)

Cr Taylor Bunnag (Division 8)

Cr Maria Suarez (Division 9)

Cr David Law (Division 10)

Mayor Rosanna Natoli congratulated each councillor on their election and said she was looking forward to working with them as a team for the next four years.

“Welcome to a new, fresh and exciting Sunshine Coast Council,’’ Mayor Natoli said.

“I have said that as Mayor, I want to make a difference to our community, and I know my fellow Councillors feel the same way, and to continue the good work of Council.

“That’s why we each stood for election and aspired to represent our communities.

“This is an important day for the Sunshine Coast as our new Council gets to work.

“Our focus is very much on supporting our community and collectively doing our best to improve lives in our region and ensure it continues to thrive into the future.”

Council’s post-election meeting will be held within 14 days of the conclusion of the election, at which time Council will consider the appointment of the Deputy Mayor and the Council meeting schedule.