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The Landsborough Community Building is located on Tunnel Ridge Road. It is about one kilometre from Landsborough town centre. It is a modern community building which is available for community meetings, functions and events. The building caters for up to 100 banquet style or 200 theatre style in its main hall. There is a large commercial kitchen for catering.


15 Tunnel Ridge Road, Landsborough

Hire bookings

To make a booking or an enquiry

Spaces for hire

Sporting fields
Local sports clubs manage and maintain the fields. Enquires for use of fields may be directed to:Glasshouse Hinterland Lions AFL (April-September)Landsborough Cricket Club (October-March)
Community buildingFacilities
Main hall Ideal for private functions, conferences, workshops and events100 banquet style 200 theatre style Vinyl floor
Kitchen Cater yourself or engage your own catererIndoor and outdoor service areas Stainless steel fittings Stove Oven