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Ian Webster and Dianne Lanskey have celebrated planting their 30,000th tree on their 13 hectare property at Flaxton. For over 15 years, they have partnered with council's land for wildlife program. During this time they have transformed their property from a tangled mess of weeds to a thriving haven for wildlife. A number of rare and threatened species occur on this property, including:

  • Richmond Birdwing Butterfly ( Ornithoptera richmondia)
  • Richmond Birdwing Butterfly Vine ( Pararistolochia praevenosa)
  • Gympie Nut ( Macadamia ternifolia) and
  • Three-leaved Bosistoa ( Bosistoa transversa).

Council's land for wildlife program assists landholders by:

  • providing educational workshops
  • property visits and
  • free incentives (seedlings, weed control induction and nest boxes).

The landholder environment grants assist with funding for on-ground conservation projects.

Voluntary conservation agreements support the ongoing management and protection of the property.

Within the program, council currently has:

  • 1,250 land for wildlife properties
  • 8,683 ha of retained habitat
  • 88 voluntary conservation agreement properties, and
  • 1,326 ha that are protected in perpetuity.

Environment and liveability strategy

These partnerships are just some of the ways council and our community are working together to deliver a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast. To see what else we are doing view the environment and liveability strategy.