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Boosting the capacities of local businesses and enhancing our region’s liveability and natural assets are some of Sunshine Coast Council’s key focus areas for the next five years.

Council today (February 23) endorsed its Corporate Plan 2023-2027, which will guide council’s directions and priorities for our region.

Mayor Mark Jamieson said the plan would advance council’s vision for the Sunshine Coast as Australia’s most sustainable region – healthy, smart, creative.

“Our direction and priorities for the next five years will see council continue to work with our residents and local businesses to build a strong community, maintain and enhance our liveability and natural assets, build on the strength of our economy and increase our community’s resilience and agility to respond to change,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“Securing the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games provides a signature catalyst for the future prosperity, liveability and reputation of our region.

“As a key delivery partner for Brisbane 2032, council has established a clear legacy plan that captures opportunities right across our community; for those with a disability, for our First Nations peoples, for local industries, businesses and suppliers, and for our children and young people.”.

“Of critical importance as our region grows, is securing investment from all levels of government for an essential, efficient, reliable and sustainable public transport network for the Sunshine Coast.

“Equally important is our stewardship of the region’s outstanding natural assets.”

This includes expanding our conservation estate – arguably the largest owned by a local government in South East Queensland; improving the health of our waterways; preserving the Regional Inter-urban Break shared between the Moreton Bay region and Sunshine Coast in perpetuity; securing new opportunities for our nation-leading Blue Heart Sunshine Coast project; and supporting the implementation of the UNESCO Biosphere across our region.

Another focus over the life of this Corporate Plan will be the important role that council plays in enhancing the wellbeing of our community.

Whether that be through our ongoing support for the invaluable work of community organisations; our continuing high levels of investment in sport, recreation, cultural and community facilities; strengthening our reputation as an inclusive community through our work with First Nations peoples and support for new migrants to the region; or better enabling our residents to stay connected, keep informed, access new opportunities and get involved.

“Our exceptional natural assets and outstanding lifestyle continues to attract new residents to our region,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“In less than 20 years our population will reach more than 500,000 people and as more people choose to live on the Sunshine Coast, we are presented with both opportunities and challenges.

“An important part of managing this growth is the development of the new Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme.

“The current scheme has been in place since 2014 and, in consultation with the community, council is drafting a new planning scheme to shape land use and development across the region for the next decade and beyond.”

The Sunshine Coast Council Corporate Plan 2023-2027 has been informed by the consultation with our community across a broad range of activities, including the Community Satisfaction Survey 2022.

This has been considered alongside an environmental scan of key changes that have arisen since the last Plan was adopted on 26 May 2022.

The Corporate Plan advances council’s vision and aligns to our purpose to serve our community with excellence, respect our past, and position our region for the future.

It presents five strategic goals that provide a balanced approach to council’s planning and are aligned to our councillor portfolio system:

  1. Our strong community
  2. Our environment and liveability
  3. Our resilient economy
  4. Our service excellence
  5. Our outstanding organisation

The Corporate Plan is available at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Experience-Sunshine-Coast.

See also: