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The “power of listening and learning’’ was harnessed as hundreds gathered to support those impacted by a hidden pandemic.

The Sunshine Coast community stood together to mark Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (May) at the Empower Her Voice march and candle-lighting vigil at Cotton Tree Park on May 3.

The annual event has been held by Centacare since 2000.

Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez spoke at the vigil, which was proudly supported by Council, and thanked all those who attended.

“Your presence sends a message of support and acts a reminder that there is no place for domestic and family violence on the Sunshine Coast,” Cr Suarez said.

“We had the opportunity to listen to a number of voices and stories from people in our region and I thank those people and admire their courage in sharing to make sure the voices of women are heard.

“There is so much power in listening and learning. Help us empower her voice this May.”

Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said he was incredibly moved by the evening.

“The attendance showed the strength of support individuals and our community have to unite against domestic and family violence,” Cr Law said.

“I’d like to thank Centacare for partnering with Council to coordinate this very important event and for their hard work and dedication to supporting our community, including survivors of domestic and family violence.

“This May, remember to Stop. Listen. Act. during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.”

During May be sure to visit the photo exhibition featuring multicultural women standing together against family and domestic violence in Australia #It’sNotBlackandWhite.

This is a free exhibition at the Maroochydore Library Artspace available 11am – 5pm, Monday – Saturday and is on display until June 10. The exhibition is presented by Caloundra Regional Gallery in collaboration with Sunshine Coast Libraries and Nambour Community Centre.

Resources and Contacts

  1. In an emergency, call the Ambulance or Police on 000.
  2. All incidents of violence should be reported to the Police. If there is no immediate emergency, you can report DFV to the police by phoning Policelink on 13 14 44 or make a non-urgent report of DFV by submitting an online form.
  3. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. This service is open 24 hours and provides confidential advice via phone or webchat.
  4. You can also call
  • DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811
  • DVConnect Mensline: 1800 600 636
  1. Visit the Queensland Government website for more information about what you can do about domestic and family violence and to search for support services on the Sunshine Coast or in your local area.
  2. Centacare provides a range of specialist support services for women, children and families impacted by domestic and family violence. For more information, contact the Maroochydore office on 07 5430 9300.
  3. Download the Be there App: A domestic violence bystander support app that gives you direct access to tools that empower, educate and support you to help someone who is experiencing domestic or family violence.

For more information about Domestic and Family Violence Prevention on the Sunshine Coast visit, https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/living-and-community/community-support/prevention-of-domestic-and-family-violence