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This year Sunshine Coast Libraries wants its members to ‘share the love’ by enjoying a variety of love-themed events and activities.

From February 12-18, visit any library or mobile library to pick up heart candy and attach love-notes to your favourite books. Or grab a ticket to one, or both, special Library Lovers’ events - Library Song Choir and Meet Rachael Johns.

Not a member yet? Sunshine Coast Library memberships are free and open to anyone. Visit library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/visit/join-the-library to join today.

Library Lovers’ Day is all about celebrating libraries and the valuable role they play in the community. This year’s theme ‘share the love’ encourages members to share their love of libraries and books with the community.


Get involved with Library Lovers’ Day:

Library Song Choir - February 14-15

Experience the joy of social singing with Jen Young from the Sunshine Coast Show Choir. Libraries invite members to master the tune, learn the words and harmonise in a love-themed group sing-along. No singing experience is needed and everyone is encouraged to come along!   

Events are being held at Maroochydore Library on Wednesday, February 14, from 10am to 11.30am and Caloundra Library on Thursday, February 15, from 10am to 11.30am.

The events are $5 per person and include morning tea. Registration is essential via the Library website.

Meet Rachael Johns - February 16

Sunshine Coast Libraries invite avid romance readers to meet Rachael Johns, award-winning Australian romance author in-conversation about her new book The Other Bridget.

Rachael Johns is known for bestsellers like The Patterson Girls and Something to Talk About. She is Australia’s leading writer of contemporary relationship stories about women’s issues, a genre she has coined ‘life-lit’.

Join Rachael and local author and journalist Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane on Friday, February 16 at Venue 114 to deep dive into all things love, romance and writing.

Tickets are $25 per person and include light refreshments. Bookings essential via the Library website.

Event details:
Date: Friday, 16 February, 2024
Time: 9:30am arrival for a 10am start
Venue: Venue 114, 114 Sportsman Parade, Bokarina
Tickets: $25 per person (bookings essential via Libraries website

Did you know? Sunshine Coast Libraries offer more than just books! 

  • we host events and run free community workshops
  • we own a podcast studio that is available for library members to use for free
  • we have a free eLibrary that provides online resources such as audio books, films, magazines, music and more
  • we have Story Seats located in 10 of the region’s most stunning local parks for families to enjoy
  • we host weekly Rhymetime and Storytime sessions to help with early literacy
  • we offer an Adult Literacy program which has taught thousands of residents how to read and write.

For more information, or to become a member of Sunshine Coast Libraries head to library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ or visit your local library. To stay up to date with what’s on at your local library subscribe to libraries eNews, or follow them on Facebook or Instagram.