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The Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is urging the community to be prepared for likely severe thunderstorms tonight (Thursday) and Friday, as it moves into 'alert' status ahead of the forecast weather event.

Local Disaster Coordinator Andrew Ryan said while the worst of the weather was expected on Friday, the unstable conditions meant a series of storms could impact the Sunshine Coast any time from Thursday to Sunday.

"A significant upper level low is expected to move across south eastern Australia during the next few days and interact with a surface trough in eastern and northern parts of Queensland, possibly causing a series of supercell storms," Mr Ryan said.

"Damaging winds, large hail, and heavy rainfall, which may lead to flash flooding, are very common with these supercell thunderstorms, so we ask that the community is prepared.

"Although rainfall from these fast-moving thunderstorms is likely to be brief, it is possible that several successive thunderstorms may move over the same area, increasing the chances of flash flooding.

“We are very mindful that we are in the peak of the summer storm season, so these type of weather events are expected at this time of the year.

“There is also the possibility of heatwave conditions developing from this weather system, so we may be in for some weather extremes over the next week.

"We'll continue to monitor the situation and will keep the community updated.

"As always, we remind people to never drive through flood waters – if it's flooded, forget it.

"Visit council's Disaster Hub website, which is also available via council’s new app, for all the information needed to be prepared before, during and after a severe weather event – including weather warnings and road closures."

The LDMG will issue further updates on Friday to keep the community updated about what to expect on the weekend.