Plastic free July

Every year millions of people around the globe take part in the plastic free July challenge, choosing to refuse single-use plastics and drastically reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfill.

Plastic free July

Plastic free July has arrived…here’s some inspiration!

In 2020, an estimated 326 million people worldwide took part in plastic free July and on average, participants reduced their household waste and recycling by almost 5% (or 21kg).

This year Sunshine Coast Council is proud to be a member council of plastic free July to accept the challenge and join the collective global efforts to reduce plastic waste, protect our environment and help our community avoid single-use plastics.

This month council will be sharing tips, stories, videos and events to showcase simple ways to swap out single-use plastics and reset our sustainable mindset.

You can learn new skills, engage with family, friends and work colleagues and reduce your plastic footprint one step at a time.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

For more tips and tricks on avoiding single use plastics and links to local plastic free July events head to council’s living smart website.