Asperger Child

Nelle Frances is parent, author, trainer and consultant on Autism / Asperger's across all age groups

Nelle Frances is the mother of a 25-year-old with Asperger’s Syndrome, and daughter to an ASD father, with more than 16 years experience in Special Needs Education. Nelle is also author of • the Ben and His Helmet fiction books • Asperger Child Simply Explained resource book • Sustainable Social Skills program for schools • Sensory Awareness Training – an program for ASD children Nelle believes all behaviour is sensorily driven, and that sensory sensitivity is the most misunderstood characteristic of the Spectrum. This lead her to develop her high impact Sensory Detective® Workshop, that she presents Nationally, focussing on regional and remote areas. Nelle is passionate about educating others on ASD and has now expanded her Autism-specific training to include Employment Agency staff, Support workers and First Responders - Police, Ambo’s & Firies.