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There is several types of planning and development searches available. Listed below is what is provided for each type.

Limited planning and development certificate

  • planning scheme zoning, overlay provision and charges resolution that apply to the property
  • if a variation approval is in effect over the property. Including a description of how it varies the planning scheme
  • if a State instrument applies to the premises
  • information recorded in an infrastructure charges register kept by council.

Standard planning and development certificate

  • limited planning and development certificate information mentioned above
  • details of any:
    • decisions for applications to amend a planning scheme under the Planning Act 2016
    • compliance permits or certificates given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA)
    • changes or currency period extensions to any development approval (DA).
  • copies of any:
    • building approval decision notices and plans
    • current development decision notices, or negotiated decision notices and deemed approvals, plans and referenced documents
    • judgement or order of the court or tribunal resolution about any DA
    • agreement to which council or a concurrence agency is a party about a condition of the DA
    • infrastructure agreement applying to the premises to which council is a party
    • decision notice given for a change made under the planning act to change a rezoning condition that applies to the premises.
  • description of each proposed amendment of a planning scheme council has decided to proceed with, but not adopted
  • exemption certificates and continuing approvals under IPA for a DA not lapsed and still in effect.

If the premises is in a declared master planned area:

  • copy of:
    • current master plan/s that continue to have effect under the planning act each decision or negotiated decision under IPA, and
    • any judgement or order given by the Planning and Environment Court or Building Tribunal under IPA.

Full planning and development certificate

  • limited and standard planning and development certificate information mentioned above
  • details of any DA in force for the premises containing conditions
  • if there is an infrastructure agreement to which council is a party
  • where council is aware of a development offence in relation to the premises, advice of any:
    • prosecution, or
    • proceedings for a prosecution.

Property development notes

Property development notes or town planning notations relating to the premises, may include:

  • specific site effluent disposal requirements
  • protected vegetation
  • plan of development notes/building envelopes.

Council offers several ways to retrieve planning and development certificates:

For help with MyCouncil:

You can contact council's development services for more information.​


  • Forms, fact sheets and checklists to help you prepare your development application (DA).
