Vision and reporting
Council’s strategic vision and ways to achieve this including council’s priorities for this financial year.

Australia's most sustainable region: Healthy. Smart. Creative. That is our vision for the Sunshine Coast and it guides our decisions every day. These attributes are helping council to provide a balanced approach to plan for the future and ensure our region is well equipped to meet the needs of our growing population now and into the future.
Corporate plan
Our Corporate Plan 2024–2028 (PDF, 7.44MB) provides the blueprint to advance our vision over the next five years on behalf of our community through five strategic goals:
- Our Strong Community - our communities are connected and thriving places where people are included, treated with respect and opportunities are available for all.
- Our Environment and Liveability - our natural assets, healthy environment and liveability credentials are maintained and enhanced.
- Our Resilient Economy - our resilient, high-value economy of choice drives business performance, investment and enduring employment.
- Our Service Excellence - our services are inclusive and responsive to the needs of our community and deliver positive experiences for our customers.
- Our Outstanding Organisation - our organisation lives its values and is high performing, sustainable, innovative and community focused, marked by great people, good governance and regional leadership.
The corporate plan snapshot (PDF, 5.2MB) is a condensed version of the Corporate Plan 2024-2028 and provides a simple overview, making it more accessible across our community.
Community Satisfaction Survey
Council regularly engages the community to have their say on Council's service delivery through participation in a Community Satisfaction Survey. The survey provides Council with relevant insights into the community's satisfaction, importance and utilisation of Council services. The results are used to shape the Corporate Plan as well as service and asset management planning that inform budget development processes.
Further details, including previous survey outcomes are available on the Community Satisfaction Survey webpage.
Operational plan
The Operational Plan 2024–25 (PDF, 4MB) guides the allocation of resources and assigns corporate responsibility to progress the implementation of the corporate plan and advance the vision over the next financial year.
This plan informs the annual budget, which directs funding to our core service delivery and major projects.
Quarterly reports
Our quarterly reports provide information to council and the community on implementation of the corporate and operational plans.
- Quarter 1 2024-25 CEO’s progress report (PDF, 2MB)
Previous reports
- Quarter 4 2023–24 quarterly highlights report (PDF, 4MB)
- Quarter 3 2023–24 quarterly highlights report (PDF, 4MB)
- Quarter 2 2023–24 quarterly highlights report (PDF, 4.4MB)
The activities and services outlined in council’s Operational Plan 2023–24 (PDF, 3.81MB); and reported on in the quarterly progress reports for the 2023–24 financial year, are aligned to council’s Corporate Plan 2023-2027 (PDF, 10MB).
Council undertakes a regular survey to understand the community’s satisfaction with, and use of, Council services.